
Doxygen support inside Sphinx.

No needs passed the filters



Package Summary

Element details

No needs passed the filters


Projects, which are part of the Hacktoberfest.



Package Summary



Python SDK for interacting with the cheminfo ELN



Sphinx Wagtail theme

Element details
Software: cheminfopy CHEMINFOPY _images/arrow-right-circle.svg
tags: hacktoberfest
style: awesome_red
template: software
delete: False
jinja_content: False
package_summary: Python SDK for interacting with the cheminfo ELN
sphinx_type: other
license: MIT
monthly: 1922
release_date: 2022-11-05T10:35:26
release_name: 0.9.0
release_days: 372
points: 6
pypi_nice: Link;
website_nice: Link;
color: red
stars: 2
release_points: 3
download_points: 3

Python SDK for interacting with the cheminfo ELN

Links: Website | PyPI
Points: 6 (3+3)
Software: sphinx-wagtail-theme SPHINX-WAGTAIL-THEME _images/arrow-right-circle.svg
tags: hacktoberfest
style: awesome_green
template: software
delete: False
jinja_content: False
package_summary: Sphinx Wagtail theme
sphinx_type: theme
license: MIT
monthly: 3543
release_date: 2023-07-19T08:35:52
release_name: 6.1.1
release_days: 116
points: 7
pypi_nice: Link;
website_nice: Link;
color: green
stars: 23
release_points: 4
download_points: 3

Sphinx Wagtail theme

Links: Website | PyPI
Points: 7 (4+3)


Extensions which help to structure your dcument data e.g. by grids or dropdowns.

No needs passed the filters



Package Summary

Element details

No needs passed the filters


Extensions and tools, which support Markdown in Sphinx projects.



Package Summary



Python documentation generator

Element details
Software: Sphinx SPHINX _images/arrow-right-circle.svg
tags: python, markdown, restructuredtext, docs
style: awesome_green
template: software
delete: False
jinja_content: False
package_summary: Python documentation generator
sphinx_type: theme
license: BSD
monthly: 0
release_date: 2023-09-13T23:13:23
release_name: 7.2.6
release_days: 60
points: 5
code_nice: Link;
pypi_nice: Link;
color: green
stars: 5754
release_points: 5
download_points: 0

Python documentation generator

Links: | PyPI | Code
Points: 5 (5+0)


All Sphinx-Needs related extensions and maybe themes.

No needs passed the filters



Package Summary

Element details

No needs passed the filters


Extensions which are dealing with PDFs.

No needs passed the filters



Package Summary

Element details

No needs passed the filters


Support of the Python programming language



Package Summary



Tools for computational pathology



Sphinx extension for python-dispatch



Python documentation generator



A Sphinx extension to include debugging information in the output.



Tabbed views for Sphinx



A Sphinx directive for literal blocks with emphasis



a tools for sphinx gen doc from rest api



Sphinx "visio" extension; embed MS-Visio file (.vsd, .vsdx)

Element details
Software: python-dispatch-sphinx PYTHON-DISPATCH-SPHINX _images/arrow-right-circle.svg
tags: asyncio, dispatcher, event-dispatcher, events, observer-pattern, python, python-library, signals
style: awesome_blue
template: software
delete: False
jinja_content: False
package_summary: Sphinx extension for python-dispatch
sphinx_type: extension
license: MIT
monthly: 130
release_date: 2023-06-22T16:53:23
release_name: 0.2.2
release_days: 143
points: 5
pypi_nice: Link;
website_nice: Link;
color: blue
stars: 34
release_points: 4
download_points: 1

Sphinx extension for python-dispatch

Links: Website | PyPI
Points: 5 (4+1)
Software: sphinx-debuginfo SPHINX-DEBUGINFO _images/arrow-right-circle.svg
tags: debug, python
style: awesome_blue
template: software
delete: False
jinja_content: False
package_summary: A Sphinx extension to include debugging information in the output.
sphinx_type: extension
license: MIT
monthly: 604
release_date: 2022-04-03T21:20:49
release_name: 0.2.2
release_days: 588
points: 4
pypi_nice: Link;
website_nice: Link;
color: blue
stars: 0
release_points: 2
download_points: 2

A Sphinx extension to include debugging information in the output.

Links: Website | PyPI
Points: 4 (2+2)
Software: sphinx-tabs SPHINX-TABS _images/arrow-right-circle.svg
tags: python
style: awesome_blue
template: software
delete: False
jinja_content: False
package_summary: Tabbed views for Sphinx
sphinx_type: extension
license: MIT
monthly: 488369
release_date: 2023-10-22T20:19:58
release_name: 3.4.4
release_days: 21
points: 10
pypi_nice: Link;
website_nice: Link;
color: blue
stars: 252
release_points: 5
download_points: 5

Tabbed views for Sphinx

Links: Website | PyPI
Points: 10 (5+5)
Software: sphinxawesome-sampdirective SPHINXAWESOME-SAMPDIRECTIVE _images/arrow-right-circle.svg
tags: python
style: awesome_blue
template: software
delete: False
jinja_content: False
package_summary: A Sphinx directive for literal blocks with emphasis
sphinx_type: extension
license: MIT
monthly: 513
release_date: 2020-10-19T08:22:58
release_name: 1.0.5
release_days: 1119
points: 2
code_nice: Link;
pypi_nice: Link;
website_nice: Link;
color: blue
stars: 0
release_points: 0
download_points: 2

A Sphinx directive for literal blocks with emphasis

Links: Website | PyPI | Code
Points: 2 (0+2)
Software: sphinxcontrib-sphinx-rest-api-doc SPHINXCONTRIB-SPHINX-REST-API-DOC _images/arrow-right-circle.svg
tags: python, python36, docs
style: awesome_blue
template: software
delete: False
jinja_content: False
package_summary: a tools for sphinx gen doc from rest api
sphinx_type: extension
license: Apache
monthly: 495
release_date: 2018-11-18T15:40:35
release_name: 0.0.9.dev8
release_days: 1820
points: 1
pypi_nice: Link;
website_nice: Link;
color: blue
stars: 0
release_points: 0
download_points: 1

a tools for sphinx gen doc from rest api

Links: Website | PyPI
Points: 1 (0+1)
Software: sphinxcontrib-visio SPHINXCONTRIB-VISIO _images/arrow-right-circle.svg
tags: visio, img, image, python
style: awesome_blue
template: software
delete: False
jinja_content: False
package_summary: Sphinx "visio" extension; embed MS-Visio file (.vsd, .vsdx)
sphinx_type: extension
license: Apache
monthly: 201
release_date: 2016-05-18T03:27:15
release_name: 2.1.2
release_days: 2735
points: 1
pypi_nice: Link;
website_nice: Link;
color: blue
stars: 8
release_points: 0
download_points: 1

Sphinx "visio" extension; embed MS-Visio file (.vsd, .vsdx)

Links: Website | PyPI
Points: 1 (0+1)
Software: pathml PATHML _images/arrow-right-circle.svg
tags: machine-learning, digital-pathology, computational-pathology, biomedical-image-processing, pathology, histopathology, spatial-transcriptomics, image-analysis, microscopy, fluorescence-microscopy-imaging, deep-learning, python, pytorch, research, pathml
style: awesome_red
template: software
delete: False
jinja_content: False
package_summary: Tools for computational pathology
sphinx_type: other
license: GPL2
monthly: 722
release_date: 2023-05-30T03:02:15
release_name: 2.1.1
release_days: 167
points: 6
pypi_nice: Link;
color: red
stars: 320
release_points: 4
download_points: 2

Tools for computational pathology

Links: | PyPI
Points: 6 (4+2)
Software: Sphinx SPHINX _images/arrow-right-circle.svg
tags: python, markdown, restructuredtext, docs
style: awesome_green
template: software
delete: False
jinja_content: False
package_summary: Python documentation generator
sphinx_type: theme
license: BSD
monthly: 0
release_date: 2023-09-13T23:13:23
release_name: 7.2.6
release_days: 60
points: 5
code_nice: Link;
pypi_nice: Link;
color: green
stars: 5754
release_points: 5
download_points: 0

Python documentation generator

Links: | PyPI | Code
Points: 5 (5+0)